How to Make Your Own Practice IR


  • White Foam Board (est $8)
  • About an 8” piece of ribbon or yarn
  • About a 1” button
  • Clear packing tape
  • Pencil and Black Sharpie
  • Box Cutter
  • Ruler


  • Choose a corner on your foam board and measure out a rectangle 15” x 18” in pencil.
  • Using the box cutter and ruler as a guide, carefully cut out the rectangle.  TIP: make several light passes with your board flat on carpet.
  • Find the centers along each edge (7.5” & 9”) and in the center of the board; mark with pencil.
  • Using a pencil, draw a 14” x 17” border which is 1” from edges.
  • Using a pencil, draw your crosshairs.
  • Once you are satisfied with your measurements, trace back over with a Sharpie.  TIP:  Make the crosshairs a bit thicker.
  • Using a box cutter and ruler, carefully cut the board into 4 equal pieces using the crosshairs as a guide.  TIP: Reinforce the OUTER edges with the packing tape.
  • Using clear packing tape, tape pieces 1 & 2 together and 3 & 4 together
  • Turn over and tape pieces 1 & 3 together.
  • Sew the button on the back of piece 2 about 1” from edge.
  • Insert ribbon on the back of piece 4 tying the knot on the front side and taping flat with tape.  Before you tape down your knot, make sure you can comfortably fold and button your IR together.

Here is a photo of the IR I used while in school.  I used heavier tape on the back since it wasn’t going to be seen when hung.

TIP:  Leave a couple of pieces of PAINTERS TAPE on the back so that you can tape on any wall without damaging it.

Use the rest of your Foam Board to make a few markers so you can practice your marker placement.

CREDIT goes to my kids for giving me this idea 😉